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This is me...

I have always had an interest in photography and I can remember having a Kodak Brownie as a child. The first camera I purchased was a Zenit E which was quite bulky and very heavy.

When I started to take photography seriously, I moved over to the Minolta system and had several different models of their cameras. When it was time to move over to digital, I purchased a Sony A65 which I had for a few years then I upgraded this to the Sony A77 mkii. After attending an Olympus workshop, I moved over to the E M1 mkii in 2018 and in 2022, I upgraded to the OM1.


I am mainly a self taught photographer but I have attended several workshops where I have learnt techniques that have proved to be very useful. My main interest for a number of years has been street photography followed by sport. The Covid pandemic made both of these virtually impossible so I then had time to concentrate on my nature photography as I live only 1.5 miles from my local Wildlife Trust nature reserve.


Thanks to a lot of online tuition from Olympus and their experts and ambassadors, I was able to do a lot of work indoors which along with  my new wildlife work, resulted in a new talk, My lockdown projects.

There are two features on my OM 1, pro capture and live composite which make a lot of my work possible and I will explain about these features in the lockdown talk.

I really enjoy giving talks to camera clubs and other organisations and I like the reaction I get from a live audience. Obviously, throughout the Covid pandemic, all of my talks moved online, mainly using the Zoom platform. The one advantage of this was being able to give talks to clubs that were too far away to visit personally.

I am also willing to present my talks on a 1-2-1 basis using Zoom.

I hope that my talks will encourage people to go out and try something new and I am always happy to be contacted later to offer help and advice.

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